12th October 2024 at 11:00 a.m.
I. Vyšší Brod
II. Rožmberk nad Vltavou
Application available from August 1st to October 6th 2024
Saturday, October 12th, 2024
River Vltava, Vyssi Brod, Rozmberk nad Vltavou, Cesky Krumlov
mass start at 11 a.m.
I. Vyšší Brod (from the campsite under the dam “Pod Hrází“ – 36 km) KAYAKS AND CANOES see map
- approx 11:00 – start of the 1st line: K2 M, K2 MIX, K2 W
- approx 11:05 – start of the 2nd line: K1 M, K1 MJUN, K1 MVET, K1 SEA, K1 W, K1 WJUN
- approx 11:05 – start of the 3rd line: C1 M, C1 MJUN, C2 M, C2 MVET, C2 TOUR, C2 MIX, C3 and C4
II. Rožmberk nad Vltavou (26 km) SUP, PUNT, C5 – C9 and RAFT see map
- approx 11:10 – start of the 1st line from the water: P5 M, P5 W and C5 – C9
- approx 11:15 – start of the 2nd line from the river bank: SUP M, SUP W, SUP MVET, SUP WVET, SUP MJUN, SPU WJUN
- approx 11:15 – start of the 3rd line from the river bank: SUP MEGA, RAFT
Paddlers of R4, R6 and SUP are running and carrying boats and paddles to the river.
Cesky Krumlov at the brewery garden
- parking is possible on the parking place P2 and other specified parking places
- entering “náplavka” (finish area) by car is forbidden
- free refreshments such as soup, fruits, tea, sweets etc. will be provided
- 36 km
- 9 weirs – boats can be carried around all weirs
- one refreshment station and MANDATORY OVERRUN at campsite “Na Pískárně”
- course guide
- 25 km
- 6 weirs – boats can be carried around all weirs
- one refreshment station and MANDATORY OVERRUN at campsite “Na Pískárně”
- course guide
- This overrun is placed at campsite “Na Pískárně” together with the refreshment station.
- There is also the start of MINI Krumlovsky Marathon there.
- The overrun is mandatory for all competitors!
- Leaving this part out means disqualification – the overrun is under the supervision of referees.
- All competitors must get out of their boats on the left river bank and carry or pull their boats (kayak, canoe, raft, punt, SUP etc.) through a corridor which is about 150 metres long
- the overrun is clearly marked
The mandatory equipment will be checked upon also during the race – each competitor must wear a helmet and a lifejacket during the whole race. Breaking this rule will result in disqualification. Disqualification due to breaking rules is also possible during the race (safety equipment, drinking alcohol and others).
Entry fee:
Pay the entry fee through the payment gateway when registering by 8 October 2023
Category | Entry fee |
K1, C1, SUP, K2,C2, C3, C4,P5, RAFT, C9 (C5-C9), SUP MEGA | 800 CZK / person |
- K1 M
- K1 SEA
- K1 W
- K2 M
- K2 W
- K2 MIX
- C1 M
- C2 M
- C2 MIX
- C3 / C4
- P5 M
- P5 W
- C5 – C9
Description of categories:
- K1 M (K1 men) – any type of kayak including surf ski
except sea kayak - K1 MJUN (K1 juniors) – racers must be 18 or younger (born from 2006 – 2009); any type of kayak including surf ski
except sea kayak - K1 MVET (K1 veterans) – racers must be 40 or older (born in 1984 or earlier); any type of kayak including surf ski
except sea kayak - K1 SEA (K1 seakayak) – plastic or composite sea kayak up to 5,50 m with two storage compartments on board; category for women and men
- K1 W (K1 women) – any type of kayak including surf ski (except sea kayak)
- K1 WJUN (K1 juniors) – racers must be 18 or younger (born from 2006 – 2009); any type of kayak including surf ski
except sea kayak - K2 M (K2 men) – flat water kayak, sea kayak or touring kayak; we recommend to use a river trailing rudder
- K2 W (K2 women) – flat water kayak, sea kayak or touring kayak; we recommend to use a river trailing rudder
- K2 MIX (K2 mixed) – flat water kayak, sea kayak or touring kayak; we recommend to use a river trailing rudder
- C1 M (C1 men) – any type of single canoe
- C1 MJUN (C1 juniors) – racers must be 18 or younger (born from 2006 – 2009); any type of single canoe
- C2 M (C2 men) – double racing canoes
- C2 MVET (C2 veterans) – racers must be 40 or older (born in 1984 or earlier)
any type of double canoe (downriver, touring etc.) - C2 TOUR (C2 tourists) – any touring canoe. Width, length and weight is unlimited. It is allowed to use accessories such as spraydecks, breakwater, “drink system”, protection etc. The crew is always made of either two men or two women.
- C2 MIX (C2 mixed) – any type of double canoe; important is the crew in the canoe: man/woman – it is always the category C2 MIX
- C3 / C4 – crew of three or four people (man/woman or mix); any type of canoe is allowed
- P5 M (Punt men) – traditional punt with five men crew; breakwater, pumps, wheelbarrow for overrun allowed
- P5 W (Punt women) – traditional punt with five women crew; breakwater, pumps, wheelbarrow for overrun allowed
- SUP M (Paddleboard men) – no limited size, length and structure of board
- SUP W (Paddleboard women) – no limited size, length and structure of board
- SUP WVET (Paddleboard veterans) – racers must be 40 or older (born in 1984 or earlier)
no limited size, length and structure of board - SUP MVET (Paddleboard veterans) – racers must be 40 or older (born in 1984 or earlier)
no limited size, length and structure of board - SUP MEGA (Megaboard) – four to six persons crew on board; no limited size, length and structure
We recommend inflatable boards with unattached fins. - SUP WJUN (Paddleboard juniors) – no limited size, length and structure
racers must be 18 or younger (born from 2006 – 2009) - SUP MJUN (Paddleboard juniors) – no limited size, length and structure
racers must be 18 or younger (born from 2006 – 2009) - RAFT – Four to six crew
The minimum width of the raft is 160 cm
We recommend Gumotex Colorado or Gumotex Pulsar. - C5 – C9 – any type of canoe; five to nine crew
In case that you can not decide in which category you belong the referee at the start will decide.
- The registration form is available online here
- the latest time for registration is on October 6th at 23:59
Presentation and race kits:
- Friday, October 11th, 11:00 – 23:00
in the restaurant Pivovarska in Cesky Krumlov
all categories
Prizes & closing ceremony in the brewery Eggenberg garden:
- at 5:15 p.m. – award ceremony of MINI KRUMLOVSKY MARATHON
- at 6:00 p.m. – KVM MOVIE
- at 6:05 p.m. – award ceremony of KRUMLOVSKY MARATHON
We offer transport of competitors to the start of the race. The departure of the bus will be on Saturday at 8:00 a.m. from main bus station in Český Krumlov. It will take the competitors with their equipment (including boats) to the starting place in Rožmberk nad Vltavou and Vyšší Brod. Please be at the departure point at 7:30 a.m. when we start to attach the boats to the trailer. Do NOT forget to bring your own straps to attach your boat! We are going to rope up many boats, so it will probably take a long time.
The bus of INGEtour company will also go to Rožmberk nad Vltavou and Vyšší Brod after the race at 4:00 p.m. from main bus station in Český Krumlov.
Transport is free.
The bus capacity is 60 seats and because of this it is necessary to book here.
Transport of bags and dry clothes from start to finish provided. Cars providing this service will be marked.
- ban on carbon helmets (due to incompatibility of chip timing).
- Early start will be penalized by 15 minutes (applies to all starting points and lines).
- The organiser will send out a “safety boat” to ensure the race is run properly and is ready to help (if needed).
- The points for the passage of the SAFETY BOAT set by the organizer are:
- Vyšší Brod: 11:40
- Rožmberk nad Vtavou (stone bridge): 12:40
- Cove (road bridge): 14:20
- Pískárna (crossing): 14:50
- Větřní (footbridge): 15:30
- Rechle (wooden bridge): 16:10
- Finish: 16:40
- In the event that you (or your crew) are overtaken by this boat, you must hand in your start number and your deposit will be refunded. From this point on you are no longer a participant in the race. The organiser will therefore no longer be responsible for you. You will be listed in the results list without a finishing time, i.e. DNF.
- In case you have to stop the race for any reason (medical, technical …) and this happens in the presence of the members of the VZS (e.g. at the weir), you will notify the rescue team. You will hand in your start number at the finish line referee (on the raft at the finish line) and your deposit will be refunded there.
- In case you need to be treated and taken away by an ambulance, your start number can be handed in by your accompaniment(friend, parent, coach…) at the finish line and the deposit will be returned to this accompaniment.
- There are 70 members of the EMS (firefighters and paramedics, including doctors) working on the course on race day – if you need help, contact any of them.
Further info:
- boats for flat water are recommended to have A RIVER TRAILING RUDDER
- lifejackets and helmets are mandatory during all race
- you can use any pump (handy, foot or electrical)
- Cut Off Time – 4:30 p.m. (time will not be measured after this time)
- competitors participate at their own risk and must be good swimmers
- there is a higher flow rate during the race – approximately 20 m3 /sec
- the organizer reserves the right to change the rules.